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Upload Prescription or Slip For An Order (Form)

Upload Prescription Or Slip For An Order

Upload prescription or a slip for an order‘ is specially designed for those who wants to order medicines or general items by uploading the prescription or slip, or for those who wants to upload the prescription for their order already made on BuySpot e-commerce website.

 Prior to filling and submitting this form, please read the requirements of a prescription or a slip. 

A Few Points To Remember

  • Please make sure the photo you have taken of either prescription or a slip should be clearly visible. Please try to avoid uploading blurry images. In most of the cases, such prescriptions or slips will be rejected.
  • In case of prescriptions, the doctor’s name, address, and license number along with medicines and dose should be clearly visible.
  • While taking photos of either prescriptions or slips, please place them on flat horizontal surface and then take the picture of it using your mobile phone. Please avoid shaking of your hands so that the picture would be clear.
  • The photo size should not exceed 5 MB. You can upload PDF version too, however the size of PDF should not exceed 5 MB.
  • You can upload 5 prescriptions or 5 slips at a time. Don’t worry of multiple slips or prescriptions.

How A Prescription Should Be?

A prescription is said to be valid if it meets the following criteria:

  • A prescription must contain doctor’s name and address, along with the registration / license number.
  • A prescription must contain the hospital or clinic name at the top.
  • A prescription must mention the date i.e., on which date the prescription is written.
  • A prescription must contain patient details such as name, age, and gender. Patient address is optional.
  • A prescription must contain medicines brand names along with dosing and schedule frequency.
  • A prescription must contain doctor’s seal and signature. However these are not mandatory. Now-a-days doctors are providing digital prescriptions for their patients which doesn’t have seal and signature.
A Valid Prescription
A Valid Prescription

How A General Items Slip Should Be?

A Valid General Items Slip
A Valid General Items Slip

A slip is said to be valid and informative if it contains the following information:

  • A valid items slip must contain the present date at the top.
  • A valid general items slip must contain your mobile number at the top beneath the date. Writing your name is optional. Your mobile number is enough for your authentication. The mobile number should match the number with which you created an account on BuySpot.
  • A valid items slip must contain clear names of items you want to order. Please mention weight if applicable like 500gm, 1kg, 2kg, etc.
  • A valid items slip must contain quantity if applicable i.e., 1 packet, 2 packets, etc.
  • A valid items slip should contain the signature of the customer at the end. However this is optional.
  • A valid items slip should be written in a clear hand-writing and should be clearly understood.

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